Thursday, July 27, 2006

TIme to get blogging

Ok, so I know that I said that I was going to write myself to an answer a couple of weeks ago and I haven't made a single entry since then. I could blame it on the deep level of thought that I was achieving driving back and forth to Houston to do business or I could blame it on my wife's family reunion taking up a huge amount of time, but I won't do that.

I am just going to say that everything happens in perfection and the perfect time to start writing again is right now. That’s my story and I am sticking to it! Ok, so here we go.

I left off last time talking about how I seem to have this thing in my head that I just can't get rid of. The "thing" is an ongoing dialogue about how the business side of my brain is trying to integrate or adapt to the faith side. They have done it before and they have just forgotten some of the incredible experiences that I had 5 - 10 years ago at Austin Habitat for Humanity.

So you ask, what was it you experienced? I am glad you asked. I repeatedly saw God's hand at work. We would be banging our head against the wall about money, volunteers, time, schedule, etc and would finally give it to God. What do you know, but the right thing that needed to happen would and we could move forward. I think you could boil it down to this "If you try to will it to happen it won't and just when you think it won't happen and give it to God, it will".

This is where the faith comes in. We were looking for very specific results instead of having faith that God would provide the abundance we needed. This is exactly where my business brain goes crazy. In fact, this is where most of my business friends of faith get out of the boat. They (and me from time to time) just find it excruciatingly hard to wait. Waiting means a lot of things when you really look at it:

1. How do you wait when the plan and schedule say you are going to have X done by a certain date. Answer: Maybe you shouldn’t have the schedule say that.
2. How do you run a business, church, anything based on the concept that one does what one can and continues to listen to God to see how he is working in the organization. Answer: The problem here is that God doesn't publish a Microsoft Project Plan and a PowerPoint as an overview to his plan. We have to have the faith and patience to watch it unfold. Man is that a pain in the ass for us that have grown up in corporate America.
3. Does that mean we don’t plan at all? Of course not, we have to plan and execute with the expectation that things will change and we have to just roll with the abundance. Note that I didn’t say punches. I am choosing to think that God is going to pull is in the right direction versus shove us.

Now we have something to chew on. This was one of those stream-of-consciousness entries that has only had a cursory review for spelling and grammer. I am going to avoid editing this thing to death and just see where it goes. At the end, I may have arrived somewhere 180 degrees from here.

With blessings and abundance to all, good night!

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